Enhancing forest disturbance monitoring with ALS data integration

Jens Wiesehahn

Northwest German Forest Research Institute


Climate Change

  • severe drought stress

Forest Disturbances

  • severe drought stress

amplified massive bark beetle outbreaks in Germany

Forest Disturbances

  • severe drought stress

amplified massive bark beetle outbreaks in Germany

Disturbance Monitoring

  • severe drought stress

amplified massive bark beetle outbreaks in Germany

caused a need for information

Disturbance Monitoring

terrestrial (sample-based)

e.g. National Forest Inventory, Forest Condition Survey

established systems
detailed data (many attributes)
no information on local level
low repition rates

robust statistics on national level

remote (satellite-based)

e.g. Waldmonitor DE, Forestwatch-DE, FNEWS

sparse additional information
wall-to-wall maps
high repition rates

disturbance maps on national level

Airborne Laser Scanning

barely used in (German) forestry until now

detailed data
low to medium repition rates
costly ($)
wall-to-wall maps
on medium to large scale

enhancing existing systems

Pre-Disturbance Data

Canopy Height Model

  • standard product

Retrospective analysis

  • delineate basic stand characteristics

Canopy Gaps

Retrospective analysis

  • unstocked forest areas prior to disturbance

Individual Trees

Retrospective analysis

  • disturbance characteristics on the tree level
    • size
    • number
    • composition

Species Group

Retrospective analysis

  • species group based on
    • Spatial point metrics
    • Intensity (under certain conditions)

Understory Vegetation

Retrospective analysis

  • vertical stand structure

Current Management

  • potential regrowth
  • prioritize afforestation


Retrospective analysis

  • site conditions

Current Management

  • site conditions
  • infrastructure network
  • trafficability


Sample site

  • 4.4 ha
  • disturbance between 2018 and 2021
  • by windthrow / bark beetle
  • detected with Sentinel-2

Example - Volume

Retrospective analysis

  • 853 trees
    • 104 deciduous
    • 749 evergreen
  • 196 trees/ha
  • 27.28 m avg. height
  • 0.9 m³ avg. volume
  • 851 m³ volume

Example - Trafficability

Current Management

  • 254 m forest road (58 m/ha)
  • 768 m skid tracks (176 m/ha)
  • terrain obstacles

Example - Site index

Retrospective analysis / Current Management

  • wetness
  • solar exposure

Post-Disturbance Data


Retrospective analysis

  • disturbance evaluation

Current Management

  • existing regrowth
  • potential seeding trees


  • operation evaluation
    • skid trails (FSC-conform?)
    • wood piles


Retrospective analysis

  • disturbance evaluation
  • operation evaluation
    • skid trails
    • wood piles

Current Management

  • existing regrowth
  • potential seeding trees


  • log detection
  • operation planning
    • skid trails


Retrospective analysis

  • disturbance evaluation
  • operation evaluation
    • skid trails
    • wood piles
  • log detection

Current Management

  • existing regrowth
  • potential seeding trees
  • operation planning
    • skid trails
    • trafficability

Multitemporal Data

  • rarely available (in desired period)
  • pre- / post-disturbance information


  • direct change detection


ALS data provides valuable information for

  1. Retrospective disturbance analysis
  2. Ongoing disturbance management

(combination with satellite-based systems for timely disturbance detection seems benefitial)



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